Birmingham’s Biggest Pride Ever

And what an event it was!

29th Sep 2021 - Corporate news

On Saturday 25 September we celebrated Birmingham Pride, an event that brings the LGBTQ and wider community together in a rainbow of colour, culture and cheer.

‘Wearing our heart with Pride’ was our message for the third year running as members of staff and volunteers celebrated on our very own float amongst many other local businesses, community groups and charities.

This is the ninth year that we have taken part in the Birmingham parade and we also joined the first ever Leicester Pride earlier this month.

We’re incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to hold events like this, especially this year where others were unable to go ahead. For all the fun and excitement, they still serve an important purpose as a platform to champion equality and inclusion. A huge thank you to our Harmony champions, who have really put in the work to take this from idea to fruition, with invaluable support from many other colleagues. Roll on September 2022 so we can do it all again!

Ricky Burt, Co-Chair of Harmony, our LGBT+ network

It was such a fun event, with so much vibrancy, colour and love. I felt really proud to walk alongside my colleagues and help spread the message that Midland Heart is a place of work where everyone can be themselves and belong. I already can’t wait to take part next year!

Sian Floyd, Internal Communications Officer

The hugely popular parade navigated through the main streets of the city centre before reaching the LGBTQ village within Southside District.